Within the framework of the project “Strengthening employability of street involved youth in Belgrade”, financed by SPF, LDS Charities, CWS Global, H. Stepic CEE Charity, the Center for Youth Integration seeks a qualified person to develop methodology and to conduct the evaluation of the project.

The evaluation should evaluate the impact that the project has made on the lives of beneficiaries and determine the extent to which the project has met its objectives.

The Centre for Youth Integration is a non-profit organization that provides direct assistance to street involved children and youth in Belgrade, Serbia.

The Expert Evaluator will develop a methodology, collect and analyze relevant data, prepare and
deliver evaluation report.

The applicants should possess minimum of five years’ experience in field of right of the child, social inclusion, street involvement and research, analysis and evaluations.

We invite all interested persons with the above specified expertise to submit their CV/resume to the office@cim.org.rs by 23.12.2019.

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