On Tuesday, February 14th, 2023, the National Final Conference was held in Belgrade as part of the REVIS project “Response to peer violence among children in schools and adjacent settings.”

The goal of this conference was to present the results of the two-year project to the representatives of the Ministry of Education, schools, and non-governmental organizations, but also to present the key messages created by the children. The coordinator of the project in Serbia, Dragana Vučković, briefly summarized everything that was achieved in the previous two years. In Serbia, 10 schools were involved in REVIS, and with the support of the Ministry of Education – as many as 513 children actively participated in workshops on peer violence and its relationship with negative gender and social norms.

The representative of the Ministry of Education also addressed the gathering, who emphasized the importance of such projects, but also expressed the hope that this type of activity will continue in the future and expand to other schools in Serbia. The meeting was also attended by children, teachers and psychologists who directly participated in this project.

Several activities were presented to the participants – actions designed by the children themselves with the aim of preventing and suppressing peer violence. The graphic media school spoke about its project – that is. humanitarian exhibition of works on the theme “All different and all the same” and girls from the Agricultural and Chemical School in Kraljevo presented a series of peer trainings and workshops that they conducted in other primary and secondary schools in Kraljevo.

One of the most important messages that children sent to institutions and adults was that the problem of violence cannot be solved with one project and that it is necessary to hear children’s voices every day, to respect children’s opinions and that the topic of violence and negative norms must be included in regular school programs.

This gathering was organized by the Center for Youth Integration, which implements the REVIS project in Serbia.

Co-funded by the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme of the European Union (2014-2020)

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