On Saturday, May 28, the first National Workshop of Participatory Action Research was held within the REVIS project – response to peer violence among children in schools and adjacent settings.

The aim of the workshop was to support students and teachers from 10 schools participating in this regional project, from Serbia, in designing individual actions to be implemented in their schools in order to reduce negative social and gender norms that lead to violence.

At the beginning of the workshop, the participants were reminded of the activities and results so far within this project, or a series of workshops conducted in all schools. On them, the children had the opportunity to become aware of negative social and gender norms, talk about different types of violence that are most common in their environment, but also to devise ways to intervene and react in these situations.

All children showed great awareness and progress in understanding how harmful some norms are and how important it is to react in situations of peer violence. They also expressed their attitude and appeal to adults to listen and respect them more carefully, and to trust them when they report an incident that happened at school.

All participants first exchanged their experiences from the workshops in the group, and then, individually by schools, devised activities they would like to implement to make schools a safer place for all children.

In Serbia, this project is implemented by the Center for Youth Integration.

Co-funded by the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme of the European Union (2014-2020)

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